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I refuse to weigh myself…

I have been debating if I should weight myself and get an update on my progress. I have goals and should have progress reports on those goals to measure the success – or lack of…

My workouts have been very consistently better for the start of the year. I am working out at least 40 minutes each day and some days twice. On two occasions this year, I had three workouts with each being a minimum of 30 minutes (before work, at lunch and after work). This past week most workouts being over an hour for a minimum of 6 days a week this year. Today I did 90 minutes of hard elliptical and lifted upper body weights routine and feel fine. I do not feel much lighter but stronger, so I do not want to weigh myself yet.

So how often should I weigh myself is the open question? It depends who answers the question. Many respected experts on weight loss do not recommend daily weighing, but researchers at the University of Minnesota studied 1,800 people who were dieting and found the people who weighed themselves daily lost more weight over a two year period than the people who only weighed themselves once a week. So maybe this is a mistake not weighing myself.

I have monitored my diet with exact detail using three different programs (FitDay, Spark People and Livestrong’s Daily Plate) and I have had a calorie deficit of about 900-1,500 calories per day (including the workouts). So I should be down 4-5 pounds? I use the three programs as each has their benefit for monitoring calories, nutrition and and etc… All three are never the exact same but close enough. But, the biggest reason for not weighing is that it can lead to an unhealthy obsession with the scale and I had been there before and want to avoid that obsession.

I had found my weight can also fluctuate during the time of day so if I get on the scale in the morning one day and then in the afternoon the next day, I may see a “false” weight gain. Either way, I am going to wait on the weight until I feel like I have lost weight. Then I will probability be upset that is is less than I thought…

A battle I will never win, so I need to live with it. Hope those who attempted the Winter Carnival 1/2 today succeeded. Not ideal weather.

Life has been busy and my next post will probably be after I finally step on the scale, unless I break everything in the house?

Carry on…


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The lost art of letter writing

Been a while since I have posted. Does not seem to be much to say. I have been working out regular, did 40 minutes at a 15 percent incline at 17 minutes per mile and felt good. The Plantar Fascia on the left foot has been an issue, but I have been there before and will get through it. I have not stepped on a scale since the last post, I am going to wait at least four (4) weeks and continue to focus on balanced eating and working out consistently. But tonight, I decided to post this brief update and tell you of another interesting situation I discovered.

Recently, I watched a few old movies. I love old movies. Well, depends on what we think is old. I am talking about those from the 40’s and 50’s. Recently, I watched “love letters” – made me think of the many movies that contained letters to those fighting a war to and from friends and family. Made me think of the letters Gump wrote Jenny in that movie…

Although Love Letters was about much more than writing letters, it got me to thinking about what has become a lost art, letter writing, with a pen and paper. I think the art of letter writing has become an extinct part of communication.

There was a time when writing letters was the only means of communicating over long distances. In today’s world, we can pick up a phone and speak to anyone anywhere in a second or two. I even thought about my diary. It went electronic over a decade ago? I went to get an old diary. My clarity in the words on paper changes with my emotions. My little drawings and emphasis that only can come from a pen showed.

So tonight, I decided to try to see if I even had that long lost skill. I failed! Spelling, grammar, and readability went out the window. So I picked up my laptop and started to type a letter I would them write. But that is stupid is all I thought…

I thought… What is it about a letter that once had so much appeal? I think about the letters that were such a part of my favorite sitcoms (M.A.S.H.) I saw an episode where Trapper talked to his wife on the phone. They finished with “I Love You” and it was short lived. Then there was another episode where she sent him a letter about the love she had for him. It lasted the entire show. Not only that, I remembered it in the next episode…

Yes, reading something in a letter, knowing someone took the time to write it, makes it much more meaningful. It is permanent. And even if, at some time in the future, they take those words back, you still have a permanent record of it.

I know that is true with an e-mail or text, but there is a flare to the curves in the letters on the paper are part of an individual uniqueness as a person. It is unique in appearance and memorable when you see it again and again. It is just hard to explain but there is so much more a precious meaning to a well written (with a pen) letter… I think of the days I got Christmas letters; you could see the joy in the style. In as much, you could see tear drops on those sad letters. Get that in a text or e-mail, never…

My failed effort to write a letter (with a pen) struck me in a strange way. I began to wonder if I know me sometimes. It reminded me of many others times when I thought I had no clue who I am or where is my place in this world. Then it reminds me of what my Political Science said to me when I was struggling academically and personally. He said:

“All we do in life is a journey and taking the next step is the most important part of any journey.”

What is exciting about taking those steps over the past 48 years is I met people who are in the same place, at the same time in their lives yet we got there in completely different ways. Then we take another step in perfect sync with one another yet it seems like it never fails, we go on to a completely different place.

Strange… So I will close with me taking a second effort to write a letter… before I just quit… Give it a try… It sure made me think about me, my past and some of the simple things I cherish!

Carry on…


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&^$*#(@ and Vitamin D again…

I decided not to weight myself after I had lost 2 pounds in three weeks which included Thanksgiving. I felt good about that. I had not stepped on the scale for the past three weeks and I did today. Well, I am up 8 pounds in the three weeks since I last weighed for a 6 pound gain since November 1… OUCH. I have gained 75% of the weight I lost in 2005/2006. I have no clue what is up with that as I try but it just seems to be issue after issue…

I am not going to get to caught up on it as I have felt bloated and think it may be a sodium/water thing or just that I have been working out more and in the past I found I would go up and then shoot down more then up a little and plateau and then drop quick and so on. I also find it so much easier to do over 30 minutes at 15% incline or a hard 40 minutes on the elliptical. This was not the case in November, so I know I am stronger.

My son had a check-up last week. We got blood test results back today and they say he has a Vitamin D deficientcy. I am beginning to wonder if this is just a medical fad, if there had been a change in blood tests lately or there is something strange going on. Now he is in Colorado and gets outside often. More sun than most. That is now over 20 people I know who have been told they have a Vitamin D deficiency. Puzzling…

In closing, I am preparing myself for Biggest Loser season which starts tomorrow night. There is a father daughter from Minneapolis on the show. O’Neal Hampton Jr. (U.S. Postal Service station manager) age 51 weighed in at 359 pounds at 5 foot 11 inches. His daughter, SunShine Hampton (a waitress), 24 weighed in at 275 pounds at 5 foot 6 inches. They are stated to be from Minneapolis. They had some segments filmed in Moir Park in Bloomington as well as the Mall of America. In October, O’Neal dines at Rudolfs BBQ as a “last supper”. Some of you readers hate this show, but it is one of few I watch and usually enjoy. I have a DVR and I actually turn it on at 7 PM and then rewind it at 8 PM and watch fast forwarding through the commercials and I am normally back to live TV by 9. They have so many ad’s.

Carry on!


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Every Minute things happen…

As we near the end of this decade, I came across a picture which shows 20 things that happen each minute of each day. So these happened 3 times while I did this post… These include:

1) Average American household makes $0.096 whereas Oprah makes $523
2) 250 babies are born, 113 into poverty and 15 with birth defects
3) Someone working in a Nike Factory in Vietnam makes $0.0014 and Nike makes $36,505
4) 55,757 barrels of oil are used

WOW. There are many more startling statistics out there, but I ran into this and quickly shared it. Click on the photo for better resolution.

On running ( or should I say walking and workout) update, did 40 minutes at 15% incline and 3.3 MPH and felt OK. Will keep doing what I can as life is busy, which is good. We had another leave our office to other employment and in these times, we are not replacing the positions so we are not down from 6 to 4 in my position. Fortunately, with the economy, it is not horrible but we are now busy.

In closing, it was with sadness that the running community lost a good friend to many. Cynthia Brockman passed after battling cancer. Having only met her once, I never really got to know her. Although I followed her cancer battle in her Caring Bridge site. http://www.caringbridge.org/visit/cynthiabrochman. As I have written before blogs let us know a person and feel their trials and tribulations without ever meeting them and spending time in person with them. I wrote about this a while back: http://runlondell.blogspot.com/2009/08/what-is-blog-and-why-blog.html . There is also a great post about her at: http://runningminnesota.blogspot.com/2009/05/cynthia-brochman.html as well a a story at: http://www.snowshoemagazine.com/viewContent.cfm?content_id=582.

Death of a loved one is always hard to accept. I have had many friends pass on in the past including two great high school friends in an auto accident in 1980, a suicide of a college friend in 1990, and many others over the years. Most recently, in 2006, I lost a great friend and I wrote about her a few times. Most recently when I explained she was one of the reasons I finish my post with Carry On. http://runlondell.blogspot.com/2008/08/carry-on-all-you-quiet-dreamers-carry.html

In times like these when we lose ones we cherish, there is little we can do but remember their energy, smiles, zest for life and carry on. I remember the one time I met Cynthia and she had a one in a million smile and loved life. Something I need to remember more often, life is precious and I need cherish the time I have more often… I wish you all a great 2010 and beyond!

Carry on!


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Vitamin D is in the news again…

“Vitamin D may be tied to weight loss.” This was a headline that caught my eye today.

When I read things like this, I think of the millions of Americans who will flock to the drug store and take large doses of Vitamin D thinking they will lose weight. But as little as 10 to 15 minutes of sunshine, at least three times a week, is enough to manufacture your body’s vitamin D requirement, so the professionals say…

But what is funny about this for me is when I was diagnosed with low Vitamin D in April of this year. I thought how could that be as I was in the sun for hours each day! I soon discovered extended aerobic exercise depletes Vitamin D… I was very tired with muscular weakness, fatigue, nervousness, irritability, excessive thirst, headache, and itchy skin. The Doctor found my blood test shows dangerously low Vitamin D levels. Then I went on intensive therapy and took lots of vitamin D, 50,000 units once a week.

By the second week, the symptoms went away and I started to workout out again and have energy after eating. After 5 weeks, the symptoms started coming back. I learned that the symptoms for a deficiency are not much different than an excessive amount. So I had to balance.

What is true is I lost weight. About 2.5 pounds a week for 4 weeks. Then I started feeling fatigued and unable to workout. I was looking toward food to get my body feeling good again. I gained 4 pounds in one week. Looking back I saw that once I was balanced in Vitamin D (an other nutrients), I could workout more and eat less. This is not part of this research, but from my personal experience, vitamin D did not lose more weight for me, but feeling better, working out comfortably lost the weight. All that was a result of proper balanced nutrition, not sucking down Vitamin D.

Of course, my findings are not scientific, but I found an overall nutritional balance is what is important for success… not just one vitamin or mineral. Just something to think about.

Been working out regular and no dropping weight quickly, but it is down 2 pounds since I last wrote, December 3. I am getting comfortable with 2-a-day workouts three times a week and one a day other days. Workouts are 30-45 minutes cardio and weights afterward for a total workout of an hour each time. I have no tennis for two weeks and I have been able to get other things done which help to reduce stress during the Holiday’s.

My son got here last Thursday and it is sure nice to have him here for a while. The place is much smaller than we had before he went to college but it is workable. He will be here for a few weeks then back to Colorado. So much in life takes second fiddle while I have him here and I can enjoy his company. If I do not post until 2010, wishing you all health and wellness during the Holidays… Oh yes, and World Peace…

(Inside Joke for Miss Congeniality lovers!)

Carry on…


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Update, thoughts

For the first time in a long time, I looked at my junk e-mail box. I have a great spam filter but I am beginning to think I must be on the worlds list of under-endowed men. I have more junk mail on male issues that I would expect. Maybe once you reach 45 you go on some list? Either way, I deleted 631 e-mails tonight and I did not read any, just skimmed them… And that was just from the last 6 weeks!

Weight is down 3 pounds in the two weeks since I started this new goal. I was hoping for a 2 pounds per week average. I am not going to cry over 1.5 when we have holiday’s upon us… Been working out on average of about 45 minutes a day. Stationary bike, elliptical, and 15% grade treadmill at 2.5 to 2.0 MPH. Heart rate is not even up in these and not sure if that is a concern. Still trying to shake the chest congestion that has been there for months.

There has been some recent posts about one of my favorite running spots. I have ran the Minnesota River bottoms on the Bloomington side for years. The area from Lyndale to Highway 169 is flat and if you go to the end of Cedar Avenue and go towards Lyndale there is actually some hills. Not Murphy or Lebabnon type hills, but at least a change in elevation that is note-worthy.

I am hoping by March I am back on that trail at least 4 to 5 times a week. Could be a great time for organized Wednesday night runs! Such a nice trail and I guess I am biased as I live less than a mile from it!

So as with many, goals get shifted and changed due to things outside of our control. Races cancelled and races questionable. I have been getting pressure to do Grandma’s again. But that is a hard thing to get excited about. I made the 25 year goal, and that was it. I just do not care to have the crowds and over-charging for everything event once again. Who knows, one thing at a time!

In closing, in case if forget, on December 26 there will be a stub brothers reunion at Bunkers. If you need reminder, Mick Sterling and the Stud Brother are great!!! I am planning on being there! I thought I may put this in here now as with many of us, we are busy in the Holiday’s and posting less and less… Hibernation is common.

Carry on…

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Knee is fine – The "A" Word

My knee has been so much better. Little pain, although funny thing it is still tender when I kneel on it. But other than that it is OK. The Doctor and I agreed that the best thing to do is to get the weight down before I run on the knee. He informed me that there is a small amount of arthritis (the “A” word). He stated that getting the weight down and slowly increase miles would bring the best success.

So I am happy, but a little nervous with the “A” word. Although, I know of many who fight the same thing and seem to be able to continue the running. Again, he said is was a small area and was not overly concerned, just said the weight will make it worse. I have the new countdown times with the date of April 1, 2010. That means I lose 1.7 pounds per week to make the goal!

I have been doing the treadmill, elliptical and bike. I can now do 30 minutes at 15% at a 22 minute mile carrying 3 pound barbells. A few weeks ago 15 minutes, holding onto the treadmill and no weights killed me. So things are going well, but I am going take the advice and hole of on the impact from running until I get the weight down. I am just happy it feels good, unless I kneel down. What an improvement.

Carry on!


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Saturday, November 14, 2009

This was a busy day. Considering this is the last weekend before I have four 25+ hour consecutive weekends of tennis officiating, I did some things to prepare for that busy time period (Like laundry). Mixed into the day would be the UMTR fest and a CD Release Party. One was great and one was disappointing…

The UMTR fest was fun. Great food, great people and great weather. It was a nice festivity with some surprises. It was not a surprise that Helen Lavin won several awards. Just check out her year and it would make any runner envy her success and get inspired. The best part, for me, was the recognition of Wayne Nelson. He won an award, I can not recall the real title, but I will call it Steward of the Year award. (Update – Steve Quick informs me it was The Larry Pederson’s Founder’s Award/ UMTR Trail Person of the Year — Also, forgot to mention my friend Steve got to award himself an award for the second year in a row… Never without an interesting event or thing to say…) The award goes to a person who, without thought, gives a great deal of time and effort to better the UMTR efforts and more. He got a one of a kind award like many awards at the UMTR Awards Night. I love these awards as unlike an award with nice professional print or manufactured, they make them. An award made from the heart using whatever we can find around the place… This type of award has a story… it is unique! For those who know Wayne, you know he will never boast about his great accomplishment. For those who don’t, he is a person we can all learn from and very deserving of the award.

Daryl Saari won the first Gnarly Bandit award. He finished five 100’s this year as well as many other races. Between races, you would see him at an aid station. He and his wife as great supporters on all sides of the sport. I worked an aid station with them once and it was a top quality station because of them… I bet they are just as great to run with… (if I were only fast enough).

There were so many deserving people who were recognized and it was a nice year end celebration. If you did not make it this year or last year, I suggest it for the future. The UMTR does a great job! If you are not a member, why not… $20 is minor fee for all they do…

After the UMTR fest, I went to Bunkers for a CD release party for Pamela McNeil. I had high expectations as her first three CD’s improved each time with Nightingale being one of my favorite CD’s (Right up there with my Springsteen). I really looked forward to the new CD. I was disappointed. Rather than the solid lyrics and music combination that I learned to love, it was more of a home grow in my living room with a keyboard while sulking in bed and writing lyrics CD. I compared it to the Movie Music and Lyrics, only this CD lost Drew Barrymore and something was missing. The night was not a total waste as she did do many of the old tunes with that fabulous voice of hers. If there are any old rockers like me out there, her husband is Dugan McNeill (Do you recall Chameleon from the 1980s’….) Chameleon was one of the first unsigned original bands to produce and manufacture their own albums. They even outsold the Rolling Stones one week, a feat written up in “Rolling Stone” magazine. He plays bass. He can make any concert enjoyable as to me, he is definitely in a class by himself in working the stage and being a top base player in the world! The CD was much less in quality and craftsmanship than I expected…

At the award fest, there was some foods and conversation which required additional thought. One such was homemade energy bars and juicing. I searched the web for an hour this AM and come across one recipe that I will try… (Not sure it is all that great, but sounds good to me!)

Big Sur Power Bar Recipe

If you can’t find the crisp brown rice cereal, no worries – just use regular rice cereal for ex: Rice Crispies – just stay clear of “puffed” rice cereal, it will throw the recipe off. Feel free to substitute other types of nuts, seeds, or whatever little goodies you can dream up.

1 tablespoon coconut oil (or regular butter)
1 cup pecans, chopped
1 cup slivered almonds
2/3 cup (unsweetened) shredded coconut
1 1/4 cups rolled oats
1 1/2 cups unsweetened crisp brown rice cereal
1 cup brown rice syrup

1/4 cup natural cane sugar
1/2 teaspoon fine-grain sea salt
2 tablespoons ground espresso beans
1 teaspoon pure vanilla extract

Preheat oven to 350 degrees. Grease a baking pan with the coconut oil. If you like thick power bars, opt for an 8 by 8-inch pan; for thinner bars, use a 9 by 13-inch pan.

On a rimmed baking sheet toast the pecans, almonds, and coconut for about 7 minutes, or until the coconut is deeply golden. Toss once or twice along the way. Mix the oats, toasted nuts, coconut, and the cereal, together in a large bowl and set aside.

Combine the rice syrup, sugar, salt, espresso, and vanilla in a small saucepan over medium heat and stir constantly as it comes to a boil and thickens just a bit, about 4 minutes. Pour the syrup over the oat mixture and stir until it is evenly incorporated.

Spread into the prepared pan and cool to room temperature before cutting into whatever size bars you desire.

Picture used without permission from www.eatingoutloud.com

I think if i am not able to run a race early next year, I may be a domestic and try some ideas to test out on the runners at an aid station… Best test group in the word.

Carry on…


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Been a while… Random thoughts.

What has been going on? Well, I been busy with a few things. With so many people out of work and me in a very stable position, I almost hate to say I had a job interview in another state. It was a fluke opportunity when I took my son to school and met an old friend who told me about a position which would be a huge move up from where I am now. I am comfortable where I am, but maybe it is time to move on. I am not sure… I am one of 5 finalists so a ways to go.

Then today I read a post from Steve Quick who was upset about lamps. In his words, a rant about something minor. Although it may have been minor, it really brings much of what we have become as a society to a whole new light. (Steve often makes me think, which is not a bad thing.)

It made me think of how 40 years ago someone started working for a great company and spent the entire life at one job. Steve talked about how society is a disposable society with material goods. Made me think of my career. This is the longest I have ever been in one job, 14 years. In total I have had over 12 jobs in 35 years.. Now I am thinking of moving onward again. Nothing like my father or his father. Besides being a material goods disposable society, we really have become a transient society as well.

There was a website which I read often which addresses this issue as well. Patrick Deneen has a blog called what I saw in America. He also has a site called front porch republic. He has a post on the disposable society. Many of his comments make me think. But then again there the other side of the coin, Margaret and Helen...I digress.

But that lack of employee dedication is also caused on the other side. Companies no longer have loyalty to an employee. People have become a commodity dependent on stock performance as well. Is this all wrong? I do not know, just a thought I have had over the past weeks.

I was excited (and for you I-phone users) to find a diet and exercise software I like better than Fit-Day. It is called SparkPeople nutrition. It allows you to track what you eat and get all kinds of nutrition analysis. It is web based with a ap for the i-phone which works great. I can sit in the restaurant and add my food immediately upon eating rather than write it down and enter it later. Really is nice.

I was supposed to go to the Dr. yesterday for the knee but the out of state interview stopped that appointment. So I am hoping next week it all looks fine. I no longer have pain and feels pretty good. Although I think I will do little running until I get my weight down just to minimize impact on the knee. Might be a good idea as the cold is setting in and the days are getting shorter.

The UMTR fest is this Saturday. Looking forward to it but as I wrote in an earlier Blog post my favorite local artist is having a CD release party at Bunkers and I really want to go see her perform. So I will leave at 8 PM and will probably miss some great awards and presentations. These Ultra folks are all just happy and fun to be with!

Hope all is well with everyone. This is my last weekend free until I have four solid weekends of tennis followed by two weekends off then 5 weekends of tennis in a row to kick off the new year. I thought I was going to cut back? Well, tuition is expensive…

I want to close this post, the night before veterans day, to say thanks to all those who risk their lives and the loved ones who live on after the loss of a soldier. I went to Fort Snelling Cemetery and took a few pictures. This one just struck me and thought I would post it here. I could have spent the entire day there… It is much larger than I ever thought it was and really has many many stories to tell.

This post is getting to long. If you hung on this long, I need to add to the post a story… As after I left the cemetery where many people had a life cut short, I thought of and read a favorite story of mine. It is about how we cherish so many things, but we often forget time with friends and loved ones is the most precious. The story goes:

It had been some time since Jack had seen the old man. College, girls, career, and life itself got in the way. In fact, Jack moved clear across the country in pursuit of his dreams. There, in the rush of his busy life, Jack had little time to think about the past and often no time to spend with his wife and son. He was working on his future, and nothing could stop him.

Over the phone, his mother told him, “Mr. Belser died last night. The funeral is Wednesday.”

Memories flashed through his mind like an old newsreel as he sat quietly remembering his childhood days.

“Jack, did you hear me?”

“Oh sorry, Mom. Yes, I heard you. It’s been so long since I thought of him. I’m sorry, but I honestly thought he died years ago,” Jack said.

“Well, he didn’t forget you. Every time I saw him he’d ask how you were doing. He’d reminisce about the many days you spent over ‘his side of the fence’ as he put it,” Mom told him.

“I loved that old house he lived in,” Jack said.

“You know, Jack, after your father died, Mr. Belser stepped in to make sure you had a man’s influence in your life,” she said.

“He’s the one who taught me carpentry,” he said. “I wouldn’t be in this business if it weren’t for him. He spent a lot of time teaching me things he thought were important… Mom, I’ll be there for the funeral,” Jack said.

As busy as he was, he kept his word. Jack caught the next flight to his hometown. Mr. Belser’s funeral was small and uneventful. He had no children of his own, and most of his relatives had passed away.

The night before he had to return home, Jack and his Mom stopped by to see the old house next door one more time.

Standing in the doorway, Jack paused for a moment. It was like crossing over into another dimension, a leap through space and time.

The house was exactly as he remembered. Every step held memories. Every picture, every piece of furniture… Jack stopped suddenly.

“What’s wrong, Jack?” his Mom asked.

“The box is gone,” he said.

“What box?” Mom asked.

“There was a small gold box that he kept locked on top of his desk. I must have asked him a thousand times what was inside. All he’d ever tell me was ‘the thing I value most,'” Jack said.

It was gone. Everything about the house was exactly how Jack remembered it, except for the box. He figured someone from the Belser family had taken it.

“Now I’ll never know what was so valuable to him,” Jack said. “I better get some sleep. I have an early flight home, Mom.”

It had been about two weeks since Mr. Belser died. Returning home from work one day Jack discovered a note in his mailbox. “Signature required on a package. No one at home. Please stop by the main post office within the next three days,” the note read.

Early the next day Jack retrieved the package. The small box was old and looked like it had been mailed a hundred years ago. The handwriting was difficult to read, but the return address caught his attention.

“Mr. Harold Belser” it read.

Jack took the box out to his car and ripped open the package. There inside was the gold box and an envelope. Jack’s hands shook as he read the note inside.

“Upon my death, please forward this box and its contents to Jack Bennett. It’s the thing I valued most in my life.” A small key was taped to the letter. His heart racing, as tears filling his eyes, Jack carefully unlocked the box. There inside he found a beautiful gold pocket watch.

Running his fingers slowly over the finely etched casing, he unlatched the cover. Inside he found these words engraved:

“Jack, Thanks for your time! -Harold Belser.”

“The thing he valued most…was…my time.”

Jack held the watch for a few minutes, then called his office and cleared his appointments for the next two days. “Why?” Janet, his assistant asked.

“I need some time to spend with my son,” he said. “Oh, by the way, Janet… thanks for your time!”

Thanks much for your time my friends… Carry on.


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